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15 Inspiring Quotes to Ignite Teamwork and Collaboration
Have you ever been part of a team where everything just clicked? The kind of team where everyone worked together seamlessly, and success seemed to come effortlessly? It's an incredible feeling. The good news is you can create that feeling of synergy and collaboration with your... read more

Slack Best Practices from LiveChat Team
Every time I sit down to write this post, I’m distracted by a message from my colleague about this thing I need to hear, a notification about the package that came, or a bot scaring me about the debt on my food credit card. My food card debt. Who is responsible for all of this... read more
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The Real Meaning of Making Notes in Business
How many times have you had an amazing idea right before you fall asleep and you were so sure, you’re gonna remember it the next day but then you woke up and boom! All you know is that you had an awesome idea, but now you have “no idea” what it was whatsoever? It happens a lot to... read more

How to Use to–Do Lists to Have a More Productive Day
Do you ever feel that your tasks have control over you, instead of you controlling your tasks? As we build our careers, it often turns out we know what we have to do, yet we fail to do it. In result, we often struggle with finishing assignments on time. That’s why we reach for... read more

How to be More Productive (and Less Busy)
The difference between being productive and being busy isn’t obvious at first sight. In both cases, you work up a sweat to get your tasks done, but only one way will lead you to success. We all know this feeling when we have so many tasks on our to-do list, that we wish the day... read more
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Apps for Work That Will Boost Your Productivity
If you’re like most people, you probably think you don’t have enough time in a day to do everything you want. I’m not surprised - after all, productivity is now the latest trend. We all want to squeeze as much as we can out of our days, but still wish it has more hours. We even... read more

How to Be More Productive at Work: 4 Productivity Methods You Can Start Using Today
Have you ever wondered how productive you are? How much of your time you’re slacking off and how much time you’re spending on working or studying? I bet that you’re thinking with guilt about the last time you were supposed to study, but you ended up browsing through your Facebook... read more

Productivity Quotes to Keep You Focused on Your Work
We often associate being productive with managing lots of tasks. We don't say “no” to our teammates, we help them with their problems, we create long to-do lists and work our butts off to cross everything from the list. We shuffle between these duties and can’t keep our minds on... read more

3 Time Management Methods That Will Save You a Day (Pt 2)
With a few time management methods, getting a couple of extra hours of work in every week isn’t that hard. It may seem like a challenge at first, but it’s definitely doable. Getting an extra day in, now that’s a challenge. Last time we discussed 4 time management tips that will... read more

4 Time Management Tips That Will Give You an Extra Day (Pt I)
Do you ever feel like your work time is slipping through your fingers? That feeling you have at the end of the day, when there are still things to do but no time left to do them. There’s a simple solution to your problem: you make more time. Unless you own a time machine, you... read more

How to Not Hate Your Job (and How to Learn from It)
Imagine for a moment that you’re looking for a job. You’re searching for it for quite some time and it looks like the only place to welcome you with arms wide oped is the infamous McDonalds. You are informed that they are looking for a staff member, who would be responsible for... read more

Success Quotes to Keep You Moving Closer to Your Goals
Not everyone wants to reach the top of the world, but we all have our own Everest to climb in our lives. For example, having a successful business, reaching 1000 followers on Twitter (@okolodynska) or learning to play a sax. Here are a few success quotes that I hope will help you... read more

Overcome Frustration with These Inspirational Business Stories
When it comes to business, there are many different places we look to for inspiration. But it turns out that no matter if it’s in business, art or science, a lot of great ideas come from personal frustrations. Would you look for inspiration inside this disturbing place?... read more

Stress Charming: How LiveChat Kicked Stress out of Its Support Team
google.load("visualization", "1", {packages:["corechart"]}); google.setOnLoadCallback(drawChart); function drawChart() { var data = google.visualization.arrayToDataTable([ ["Score", "Share", { role: "style" } ], ["1", 16.7, "color: #00FF2E"], ["2", 8.3, "color: #18ed00"], ["3",... read more