Tumblr Chat: With LiveChat integration, you can add a powerful and dead-easy to use chat tool to your website. Use this opportunity to engage your visitors in a live conversation!
Or, if you use your website for e-commerce like purposes, reaching out to your customers through LiveChat will allow you to close more sales!
- Add LiveChat to Tumblr - learn how to add a chat to your website.
Tumblr Chat: Add LiveChat to your website![Link icon]()
- First, log into your Tumblr dashboard and go to Account’s settings.
- Choose Edit appearance from the list of available options.
- Click on Edit theme button available in the Edit appearance section.
- LiveChat needs to be added as an HTML. To do that, click on Edit HTML available at the top left corner of your Theme editor.
- All that you have to do now is to find the closing